Friday, September 16, 2011

Are you ready?

It is time to announce officially the FIRST ANNUAL OKTOBERWEEN!!  This is to showcase 2 new beers to the Decatur Street Brewing Company.  Well really one new beer and a redesign of another. The Pumpkin Ale, which first appeared last year, to short supply, high demand and rave reviews is back. Then we will see the reveal of the first Marzen brew. This is the traditional Oktoberfest beer.

The Headless Pumpkin Ale is back and bigger than ever. I don't know how he finds the place with no head. It is different than last years. It will have some more maple notes and spicier fall notes. I will be open to reviews and will have a comment card to fill out so I can work on the flavor profile. If it isn't liked as much as last years, I promise to return to my original recipe that was so well received for next years.

The new child this year is a Marzen. It is not a true Marzen as we don't live in temperatures to lager during our summer months, but the flavors should be close with caramel and clean crisp after tastes. It is therefore an ale, and while it has been done for a few weeks now, I still don't have a name for it. Thinking along the lines of Oktoberfest Ale, yeah I know very original.

There will also be a friendly poker tournament that will be going on for entertainment. Generally, there is a $20 buy in for this, but if there is enough interest is in higher or lower dollar tables we can accommodate what ever everyone wants to do. Also, Rock Band will be made available so bring your favorite instrument for PS3. I do have Rock Band 3 so can take keyboard as well as the normal instruments. Details on food and extra drinks are to come, but for the most part start thinking in potluck mood. You don't have to like beer to enjoy the evening, many that don't like the BMC(Bud, Miller and Coors) actually enjoy these "specialty" beers. Plus, we will have all these other things to drink, eat and play.

Invites are soon to go out to those friends that have expressed interest. I will be using this blog to keep track of the guest list, just asking that you leave your first name and how many will be attending in the comments of the Invite Post soon to come. Also, feel free to bring and invite friends that may like poker, beer and just a good time.

Just let me know when:
When should Oktoberween be held?
Saturday, October 22nd
Saturday, October 29th free polls 

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